How much does it cost?
The shopping fee is 12% of total groceries with a $14.99 minimum fee. If the groceries are less than $125, the fee will be $14.99. And if the groceries are over $125, the fee will be based on 12% of total groceries (which will be higher than $14.99). Because normally the bigger order, it takes more time to shop.
The pickup only fee is $6.99 for one errand (plus the platform fee, if any). If it is multiple errands, there may be a $2.99 fee for each additional errand. There will be a 5% platform fee if we pay for your items with our credit card. If your items are already paid for and we just need to pick them up, there will be no platform fee since we did not use our credit card.
How do I sign up and place an order?
Click “Download the App,” it will take you to the Dumpling Grocery app and follow the instructions. You will always use the Dumpling app to place your Casey’s Cart orders. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the Dumpling app.
Do you deliver outside of Little Rock?
Yes, we deliver outside of Little Rock (such as Bryant, Benton, North Little Rock, and Maumelle) on week evenings and weekends. There will be a $5 additional fee for our time and gas.
Can you use my Kroger Plus Card when you are shopping for me at Kroger?
Yes. If your Kroger Plus Card number is different than your phone number in our file, please provide us your Kroger Plus Card number when you place your grocery order.
Is Costco membership required if I want to place an order from Costco?
No. We will use our membership to shop for your order at Costco. (Even if you have a Costco membership, we cannot use your membership.)